Random Series Finale Thought

In the 30 Rock finale, they mention all knowing each other for 7 years because that’s the length of time the show lasted, but didn’t The Girlie Show already exist for at least one season before that? (I feel like it was 3?) This is nitpicky and I don’t really care but I just notice how season finales go with the number season you’re watching and not nec how long the characters have known each other. I’m not complaining or anything, I get why it happens, but it also happened on the West Wing, where the characters say 7 years because it was the 7th season but it was really 8 because two terms in office, and then another 2ish for the campaign… Those are the two series finales I watched most recently but it makes me think of other finales where they kind of skip over the fact that they knew each other before the show started. Just a funny observation.