ConStar Watches Castle "Need to Know"

The videochatting scene is right out of many, many fans’ headcanons.
Perlmutter! “Castle, you’re back. And not by popular demand.” I love all his quips against Castle. 
Oh but why does this nerdy guy on the show have flip up glasses? lol They’re not as cool as Dwayne Wayne’s though.
I hate that McCord makes Beckett give the boys the FBI Wall. She knows she’s coming in to an already established relationship, and she’s really gonna make Beckett be the bad guy? Smh.
I love that the boys have so much fun messing with Castle about him being there the same weekend Beckett shows up. They missed that lightness and being able to mess with him because he’s not a cop. A break to the mundaneness and gravity of their jobs.
OMG the in universe Nikki heat movies went straight to DVD! That’s a great way to get around the fan desire to see a Nikki Heat movie premiere (which would probably be expensive, is kind of hackneyed, and doesn’t really work for their characters nowadays). I love that they made it a joke, which totally works even better for Castle the character (he wants to be all of that and a bestselling author with a hit film but really he’s just ok [despite real world bestseller-ness)). If the movie had worked out, it could have changed his in universe status quo too much. (not that they don’t mind changing it up, as evidenced by the DC arc.)
Like I said about the latest SHIELD episode, the episode suffers from a unified team having too many different agendas. makes it lose focus. With Beckett with McCord with a semi-contest to who wins the case due to the Boys’ competitiveness, PLUS the addition of this CIA agent, somewhere in the middle it gets cluttered with too many badges. The episode suffers from Castle and Beckett not being teamed together. Some of the least liked Castle episodes deal with a lack of Castle and Beckett. If we don’t get them relationship wise, we need them solving cases together. In this episode we got some good Castle/Beckett scenes in the beginning and end, but I missed them solving crimes together. But with the premiere being the season’s two parter, it’s hard to see the formula for this season. Or, perhaps! I just thought: since they are together romantically, perhaps the tension switch up will be that they have trouble solving crimes together? That part of their relationship is now the new tension? Not sure.
Aww The Espo Beckett hug =)
Yoo Beckettt. Poor girl handed the pink slip! I really thought she’d decide to leave herself! (Hope Castle can get that deposit on the new place back. Also, she’ll prob move in with him at the loft, which is already crowded!) But again, this goes back to my lack of visible formula for this season. I can’t tell yet if that’s good or bad. Switching it up could be good, but then, I don’t know where we’re going and that potentially makes me nervous. 
*I worked extra hard to make sure this post saved, as my Sleepy Hollow Post got eaten by WordPress when I pressed “Save Draft.”