ConStar Watches How I Met Your Mother "Last Time In New York" and Brooklyn Nine-Nine "The Slump"

catching up on TV during a sick day, so some of these will combine shows from earlier in the week.
I love where you can see where they just redecorated an old set to make it in the Bed and Breakfast. The Bar/Lounge area is probably just the MacLaren’s set redone.
Is Lily gonna be slightly drunk this entire season? lol
Oh that bottle of scotch! Yuckkk! But oh Lily, stealing the new bottle.
I totally forgot about Ted moving to Chicago… Also, I missed The Mother in this one!
Aww the Mini-flashback of Ted during Lily’s Life Lecture lol. I enjoy their friendship.
Oh Cliffhanger!! Barney sounds mad in the scene, but why would he be upset? He’s been fine with Robin all this time (I don’t remember but I don’t even think they kissed?) so why is he suddenly mad at Ted? I guess I’ll find out Monday.
I suppose, for now, they’re succeeding in stretching the story to fit just the weekend. Though there is some time fudging. Each episode hasn’t been approx 30 mins of time (right?), but continuity is doing pretty well, especially the jokes from the premiere (“thanks, Linus”), so that’s good.
Yup. still enjoy the theme song. is this Scully the Jerry of the precinct? He has a disgusting body thing, is married, and they kind of also look similar.

“What did I say about doing voices.” “It’s my craft, I’m a storyteller.”

Oh ok I am finally getting some Santiago character; all about praise and commendations. Also as a friend of mine said, Chelsea Peretti’s character is Sam Puckett from iCarly, but so is Rosa. The mixture of them is the perfect Sam Puckett (Sam meets April Ludgate probably). Now that I’ve spotted the Jerry of the precinct, now I’m gonna look for other Parks characters in the B99 cast.

“This is taking too long! I’m going to miss the farmer’s market!!”

Oh hey that kid in the beanie is on WildnOut!

“Not now, Boyle, let a brother breathe!”

I think Santiago and Rosa are basically Sam and Carly. I hope they’re paired together often and become best friends lol.
Oh, I just noticed in the chief’s office, his binders are Rainbow colored right behind him.
I love how the Captain can get away with pranks right back to Peralta and because he is so serious, Peralta believes him. It’s brilliant.
No better way to scare children than weird dancing.
Wow, Terry Crews had some of the best lines of this episode.