What I Watched Today – The Mindy Project "Music Festival"

I think I’m getting really ambivalent about The Mindy Project. It’s kind of on in the background. There might be a couple of funny moments, but I dunno, it doesn’t excite me as much as my other shows do.
But in this episode, I wasn’t fan of:

  • the Bro doctor. I get that he’s supposed to be annoying, but what purpose is it going to serve?
  • Pastor Casey becoming a DJ and then randomly (finally?) breaking up with Mindy. I get that it’s slightly a part of his character as the “cool” pastor, it’s still a random about face which was an obvious forcible set up for Mindy and Casey to break up. Why is he suddenly extra hip-hop pastor THEN an event planner after a trip to Haiti?? Suddenly he has no direction and wants to explore himself? It was too much of an obvious set up for tearing up their relationship. especially since it happened all in one episode. This is something they totally could have set up over 2 episode at least.
  • Why is Dr. British (I don’t remember his name) still randomly fat?

Also funny how her hair is growing so fast, time changes. She clearly wants her normal hair back lol.
I don’t know how I will continue to feel about The Mindy Project. It seems a bit all over the place sometimes, so I don’t know if it will find direction or if this is the path it will continue to take. Hope this isn’t a sophomore slump for them, as it might not survive it. I really want it to survive as it is one of the few shows with a non-white lead, but good storytelling is an important part of allowing a show with that extra factor to succeed.