ConStar Watches Sleepy Hollow "The Indispensable Man” & "Bad Blood"

Quick summaries, click the link below before longer freak out/thoughts post!

The Indispensable Man

Andy returns and is still creepy. He reiterates the prophecy: Ichabod will deliver Abbie’s soul to Moloch. Then creepily confesses his love to Abbie before running away.
Meanwhile. Ichabod has discovered some more hidden clues in Washington’s Bible. There are 10 extra verses in the section on Lazarus, which lead them to George Washington’s secret gravesite to find a map. Abbie is concerned Ichabod will use the map to save Katrina but not focus on the greater good.
They retrieve the map in a true Masonic/National Treasure style crypt, but Andy’s been newly possessed by Moloch and hasn’t run out of his nine lives yet. Well, I suppose he does by the time the crypt collapses on him. Abbie urges Ichabod to destroy the map, since Andy told them Moloch could use it to bring war upon them. He does so, but not before committing it to memory. But War is coming to Sleepy Hollow…
Across town, Captain Irving’s family is under suspicion since a cop and a priest were murdered at the cabin he was keeping his family “safe” at. Macey is their number 1 suspect—DNA and all—and since Irving can’t say “a demon did it,” he confesses to the crime himself and gets sent to trial.

“Witness 1 paging Witness 2…”
“I am, respectfully, Lieutenant Mills.”
[receives smiley] “Oh. It’s a man’s face. I suppose that’s charming.”
“Poppycock!” “I know.”
“Yolanda was a much better listener.” [than Siri]
“Prophecies have a nasty way of fulfilling themselves if you let them…”

Bad Blood

via TV LineAn eclipse is coming tonight and by the time it is over, War (the Second [but really Third because we’ve briefly met Pestilence] Horseman of the Apocalypse) will arrive in Sleepy Hollow. It seems Abbie and Ichabod want to face it head on and retrieve Katrina from Purgatory [a scene which I need to revisit considering the ending—whose idea was it to go to purgatory?]. Jenny doesn’t approve of the plan, because she doesn’t want to lose her sister again, and the girls share a nice moment of hugs and remembering Chekov’s Dollhouse.
Abbie and Ichabod are warned not to eat or drink anything, as it will be a Lotus Eaters situation and keep them trapped in purgatory. Both wake up having received a great wish: Abbie is hanging with Corbin and Andy, alive and offering apple pie and Crane returns to his estranged father, having never been estranged because he never joined the Rebels. In Crane’s dream, the British won and he’s reunited with his father! Both come to their senses, but not before Victor Garber goes a bit demonic and chews on some glass. Together again, Abbie and Ichabod find Katrina, but here’s the deal: She can leave only if one soul takes her place. Abbie offers herself up, despite Crane’s protests—It’s what Moloch wanted this whole time!—and with the assurance he will come back for her.
But once back in the 21st Century, the Cranes are stopped by the 2nd Horseman, War, who has been among us this whole time! Turns out, our friendly, neighborhood Sin-Eater has been fooling us this whole time—he’s the second horseman! He’s what Moloch resurrected when the Mills sisters saw him 13 years ago, and he’s also Jeremy Crane, the buried alive son of Ichabod and Katrina! Jeremy/Henry/the Sin Eater gives an epic “Why I hate you, Mom and Dad!” speech, then allows Headless (Van Brunt of Legend of Sleepy Hollow lore) take Katrina away and Jeremy buries Crane alive, breaking the second seal as he does so. Jenny, having run down a lead, has been shot up in her car by Headless and remains on the side of the road, bleeding an unconscious, unable to help her sister who is trapped in Dollhouse Purgatory! We don’t get to find out what happens next until next Fall!

 “Admit it. You appreciate me.” “Microscopically.”

Click here for Finale thoughts