ConStar Watches Sleepy Hollow "The Vessel"

A quick summation of “The Vessel” (mostly for archive purposes and because I wrote it up so might as well post it, even if a week late). Look for longer finale posts!

Crane attempts modern clothes and doesn’t like it. The demon who threatened Irving’s daughter arrives at the precinct to cause an immediate threat. Irving takes Macey to a cabin in the woods, but a demon uses Morales to follow them there and posses her. She kills a priest and demands George Washington’s Bible, which was buried with Ichabod. Turns out the same demon, Ancitif, once possessed Jenny and is after Abbie’s soul. In order to get rid of said demon, without giving up the Bible, the gang must search for a lantern that will cast Ancitif back to hell. Once there, the owners of the Bible, a bit of a red-neck family, attempt to stop our duo, but Jenny rolls in looking every bit Lara Croft Tomb Raider, and they all get to HQ in time to release poor Macey from looking like a horrible demon forever. Ichabod uses invisible ink tricks to discover a date written in the Bible in Washington’s hand, written 4 days after he died. Dun dun dun!

“I want chapter and verse in my hands yesterday.”
“This place is booby trapped.” “Sounds unpleasant.” “Just watch where you step.”