Castle 7.03 Review: "Clear and Present Danger"

In this week’s Castle, Castle and Beckett get their groove back in more ways than one. In what is a fluffy, flirty, and fun episode, a pool shark (but maybe not just that) gets murdered by an invisible assailant, while our dynamic duo try to ignite the fireworks between them.
Just as Castle and Beckett decide they’ve been ready to do the horizontal mambo since Rick’s two month disappearance, a phone call interrupts their run to the bedroom. The victim, William Fairwick, was stabbed in the chest with a pool stick. It seems to be a locked room mystery, with one slamming of the door and locked windows in a high-rise building. The victim seemed to work for Greenblatt Insurance, but made his real money hustling Wall Street-ers. But recently, he’d been scared that he’d “sold his soul to the devil” and his time was up. Castle hops right on to this theory, which is solidified by the mysterious surveillance tape Tory shows them. In it, the victim, once in his apartment, appears to be alone, with the door mysteriously shutting after the murder is over. “The devil came and got his due.” Kate remains the rational detective, ready to look at the facts, but Castle is overjoyed to think it might be the devil taking Will’s soul. “You live by the cue, you die by the cue.”
This episode was rife with great Castle/Beckett sexual tension, literally because every time they try to have sexy times, the phone rings and Kate’s professional nature won’t let her ignore it. There were so many great moments of banter and case foreplay, like what we used to see before they got together. The scenes are especially ripe with tension as it’s been over two months since they were together and also because they have opposite opinions on what happened to the victim. All very classic Caskett interactions, which was great after the tension between the two in the last few episodes. Both sides of the show are great and I’m glad we’re on the comedy side of the dramedy genre this week (but I can’t wait until we catch more clues into Castle’s disappearance).
Read more at Castle 7.03 Review: “Clear and Present Danger” on TVOvermind!