NOC Recaps The Flash 1.06: Explosive Friendships | thenerdsofcolor

Check out my Flash recap over on The Nerds of Color. The Iris story line about being a blogger hit many of us real close to home… lol

Iris’ little blogger heart falls for the streak a little bit more and continues to write about it online. Joe, continuing to want Iris to stay ignorant to Barry’s little secret, makes Barry tell her to quit it. But their argument over her stubbornness and his lack of support for her makes her all the more resolved to write. Her next blog post on the Flash features her name on the byline. She’s serious about this.

Hmm too real? LOL

Also, post writing this recap, I learned that one of the shipper names for Iris/Barry is “Running West,” which I love and will use from now on. Thanks, tumblr!
Check out the rest here: NOC Recaps The Flash: Explosive Friendships | thenerdsofcolor.