Recap Catch Up (Arrow and iZombie); plus Some TV Hiatus Plans

The week before last was my birthday (ahh!) and I was working the final week of my time at the Tribeca Film Festival, so I had to spend last week catching up on writing recaps. I managed to do 3/4 (this week’s iZombie is coming soon-ish) and so here they are! Over hiatus, I’ll be working on having more original content for the blog, some binge watch TV thoughts (maybe some Daredevil), hopefully more consistent ConStar Clicks, and more adventures in speccing. Until then, recap city it is!

NOC Recaps iZombie: Death by Birthday CardNOC Recaps <i>iZombie</i>: Death by Birthday Card

iZombie is slowing coming into it’s own. Liv eats her grossest brain yet and the show taps into a good murder weapon but a bit of a convoluted plot. But the characters are still great with strong, quippy dialogue. I love Ravi.

NOC Recaps Arrow: The Weight of ExpectationNOC Recaps <i>Arrow</i>: The Weight of Expectation

Arrow suffers growing pains in it’s most recent two episodes. Thea’s resurrection episode left me conflicted, concerned with the plotting of the episode, but accepting what the writers intended for the story, even if I didn’t buy the execution. However…

 NOC Recaps Arrow: Darth Oliver’s Inferno

NOC Recaps <i>Arrow</i>: Darth Oliver’s Inferno

Oliver’s first “evil” League of Assassins episode, while strong with potential and great character interactions, swerved into uncharted territory that leaves a sour taste in my mouth as we ramp towards the finale. But I think this is my favorite recap because I reference smart hoity-toity literary works, the Bible, and Aladdin.

And as always, check my blogger friend Jenn’s site Just About Write for my weekly TV MVP choices.