Fall TV 2014: How Packed is Your Primetime Schedule?
What are you watching this fall? What should I be watching? Can you squeeze in all this year’s fall TV into your everyday life? Share your potential fall schedules!
Constance Gibbs is a multidimensional creator of words, images, and social strategy.
What are you watching this fall? What should I be watching? Can you squeeze in all this year’s fall TV into your everyday life? Share your potential fall schedules!
[Kate’s] been so happy and excited for the wedding, and that hasn’t dissipated, but it has finally hit her that her mother won’t be there for this. Matilda mentions that if she had a daughter “this is exactly the kind of dress [she] would want for her.” With her standing there in that wedding dress—which […]
As always, where do I begin? Let’s first begin with the greatness that is a primetime show with a black female lead, a black female showrunner, and a black female director (Ava DuVernary) of an episode. When has THAT ever happened? On TV ever? (The episode was not written by a black female, however, I […]
I REALLY enjoyed this week’s episode of Castle. It had a fresh yet classic episode feel and I loved it for that. This is the second week in a row we’ve seen the supposed killer with the victim. I thought this episode would become a “how-dunit” rather than the typical “who-dunit” but my expectation of […]
“You get to ask me one question” We’re gonna need more than one question to make it through this week’s episode of Scandal, but I’ll start with one from each major plot point and go from there. No guarantees about the amount of questions I ask. Please don’t kill my friends or try to recruit […]
Oh wow, it’s kind of rare that we see the murder ever! and the— OH WAIT THERE’S BREAKING NEWS…. OH. Well, most of this episode is based on what I’ve seen from Tumblr posts and other recaps, as most of my episode was pre-empted by awful local news. Castle wants to get married in space! […]
The last two episodes of Scandal were explosive through and through; this one simmered more before delivering some blows. Even though Mary took up most of the screen time in today’s episode, the scene with Huck and Olivia and Mellie’s scene with Fitz carried the most emotional weight this episode, but let’s start with Mary. […]
“Your heart’s in the right place. Your heart and your butt.” I’ve honestly forgotten why Leslie was being recalled in the first place. I know it’s Jamm’s fault but what was the “reason”? I know it doesn’t really matter, but I definitely forget what the exact catalyst was for his hate. TATIANA MASLANY! Tom in her […]
I’m pretty sure this is my least favorite episode of the season. I couldn’t pin point why, but some other TV writers expounded on some of the problems where I couldn’t. I think my initial problem was that it was the least funny of the episodes so far. Not to say I didn’t smile or […]
I love the morning in bed scene. Last episode Castle said it was crowded. Boy did he mean it. But there were so many little gems in the scene. “Does that make me your sugar daddy?” UGHHH PI! but “Mrs. C-to-be” !! #squee! I love how Beckett doesn’t like Martha’s coffee at all. Great background […]