ConStar Clicks
This week’s #ConStarClicks involve diversity, geek tv shows, & and lack of diversity in geeky books. I sure know how to craft a theme, y’all. That theme is my life.
This week’s #ConStarClicks involve diversity, geek tv shows, & and lack of diversity in geeky books. I sure know how to craft a theme, y’all. That theme is my life.
ConStar Clicks #2, a little later than usual, but full of Jane the Virgin, Annie and Shondaland goodness.
My second podcast in a month! This time discussing the Flash and Arrow and their epic, two-night crossover.
What did you think of the epic #Flarrow crossover this week? Was it as good as a cinematic feature? Can they crossover *every* week?
After a bit of a broken TV, breaking news, work all day delay, my Castle review is up over on TV Overmind! Click through to check it out! This episode was a great return to a standard episode, an episode that could be placed in any season. Though it was Espostio-centric, we also got to […]
On this week’s Castle, the team investigates the death of a viral meme star and Castle himself is a victim of the dark side of memes.
Link: How To Make It As A Black Sitcom: Be Careful How You Talk About Race on Huff Post Black Voices Several people have sent this to me and I want to share it here. I haven’t been able to dissect it just yet, as it’s a long read, but it looks to be a really, really […]
As Fall TV pilots air and verdicts come in from critics and audiences alike, I’ve been thinking a lot this year about how pilots are different from episode 2. Pilots are written usually by one person (or the initial creative team/duo) and shot early in the year. By May there’s usually a greenlight verdict, when shows […]
More Diversity in Prime Time: It’s Not Your Imagination – The Root This article mostly talk about black-ish in the aftermath of it’s premiere yesterday, but it also spotlights Jane the Virgin, which I must say was probably my favorite pilot this fall. Check it out! Also check out two more articles regarding blackish: In […]