Constance Gibbs is a multidimensional creator of words, images, and social strategy.

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TIME for Kids Magazine

  • One Jump Ahead, brief interview with Aladdin choreographer Jamal Sims about the new live-action remake
  • Making the Cut, about Neijae Graham-Henries, an 8-year-old who is likely one of the world’s youngest female barbers
  • Books for All, an article about with Charnaie Gordon, a mom who completed a 50 States, 50 Books challenge for diverse books
  • Taking Flight, interview with Nico Parker from Dumbo
  • Charging Ahead, article about electric school buses
  • Engineering Our World, interview with engineer with Jay Brannon
  • Music in Motion, article about sign language interpreters at concerts
  • Journey’s End, interview with Hailey Dawson
  • A Promising Start, about the LeBron James I Promise school in Akron, Ohio
  • A Historical Adventure, interview with Daniel José Older about Dactyl Hill Squad
  • Building to the Beat, article about Hip Hop Architecture, a program to inspire students to learn architecture
  • Painting History, article about the Obamas portrait artist at the National Portrait Gallery in D.C.