ConStar Watches S.H.I.E.L.D. "0-8-4"

I rewatched the Pilot first, because it’d been so long and I’d meant to rewatch it. Coulson and Mike were the most interesting parts of the pilot. I also enjoyed Maria Hill, though I really want to get more character depth. Like how we know Coulson is a super[adorable]-geek.
A quick google of Chloe Bennett (Skye) tells me she is half Chinese. Soooo I’ma need some Chinese to show up at some point. (Or, well, she was only 11 (!!) When Firefly was on, but she could have been a valuable cast member to make people less upset about the problematic Chinese on that show lol)
“Use a coaster.” Coulson is my favorite character. I need less Skye and more Coulson.
Camilla Reyes kinda looks like Cobie Smulders. In the promos I thought she was in this one too (and I wondered how she managed to work both). Well, with her hair up. She looks different with her hair down.
The action-y bits kinda make me glaze over a bit. Though the weird energy wave staff thing was pretty cool.
I think I need a ship to help me out with investment in some of these characters. I kind of don’t care about Skye or Ward but maybe I would if I were waiting for them to get together? I also think that when they start working as a team, instead of being such separate units, I can focus more. As of now, their differing agendas splits the narrative focus. I think when they solidify themselves as a team, the storytelling will get better.
Mid-life crisis Phil lol. “But you gave them something better: a common enemy.” Exactly, Phil. And he has recent experience with unifying a diverse and conflicted team.
But Skye is about to wreck that newly formed teamwork. I definitely don’t trust her.
HI Sam!
Melinda May is slowing increasing as my second favorite character. “You guys talk a lot.”