What I Watched Today – New Girl "Double Date"

WHAT IS UP WITH SCHMIDT?!?! *spoilers ahead*
He’s been going crazy this season and it’s only getting worse. I love the show but I need to know where they are taking Schmidt’s character. It seems like they’re trying to weasel in an obstacle for Nick and Jess and the only way I’ll take this easily is if Nick and Jess survive it. Because to pit Schmidt against them so randomly and evil-y, if they break up over his future antics, then I will be very upset.
Nick and Jess are perfect for each other. There were so many things in this episode that continued to solidify that. Even at the end, after Schmidt begins his mind game, they fight and argue but still come around to an agreement about things. I really hope this test is not just a way to break them up, because as I’ve often mentioned, I’m really over shows constantly breaking up their will-they-won’t-they couple just to “create more tension.” I’m really enjoying watching Nick and Jess together and there could be so many stories for them to explore with them together, since they share such weird and occasionally opposite points of view on things. But they are so good together and Nick loves her so much (when he kissed her after she stuck her hand in the cigarette lighter and then did it himself–they’re both so hilariously dumb and weird but he clearly wanted her to not be in pain alone, great moment.)
I want this to work out, so hopefully they don’t go too far with Schmidt acting the way he is acting. He’s such a child and I am over it. I really would’ve enjoyed seeing him and CeCe together, but now that that is off the table (I would say for now, but what he did was really awful so I doubt they’ll get together again), I wonder what they’re going to do with CeCe’s character. Anything she does would be in Schmidt’s range and we’ve already seen the “date other people” plot. I really wonder where they’re going to take these two.
As long as Nick and Jess don’t meaninglessly break up. That would be a dealbreaker and would really kill my love for a show that I’ve grown to really enjoy watching every week. they’ve been killing it, so hopefully I can retain my faith in their storytelling and comedic abilities.