ConStar Watches S.H.I.E.L.D "Eye Spy"

Tired ConStar = Late posts. Other Tuesday shows coming later in the week (maybe Friday).
The opening of the show, and some of the general feel of the show, reminded me of 80s and 90s action/adventure shows. Just the glimpse of memory I have from seeing them on TV when I was little–so maybe that’s not the case (maybe like how Adventures of Lois and Clark or Wonder Woman or something might have felt). But it feels different than a current TV show and I think that’s where it’s losing some of it’s ground with the fans and people who want to like it.
I also think that Skye is a big problem. I’ve seen a lot of Skye hate on twitter and while sometimes I don’t feel the same way, in this episode, I agreed. Her attitude with Coulson and her cockiness, while a character trait meant for a purpose, edge beyond the line of me understanding. It’s annoying. Plain and simple. She started to really aggravate me, especially in the beginning and the end of the episode–when she felt in her zone. Her attitude is better during the middle of episodes, when she’s out of her element and afraid to mouth off. But once she’s back in the safety of the Bus, she could get thrown out the window and I’d be pleased. Also, we know she’s doing some sort of double agent move. Don’t be cocky and arrogant when you’re trying to lay low and gather secrets from these guys. It definitely makes me like you even less. Skye also annoyed me when she claimed she had an “outside the box” theory then said “super powers.” Uhm, the whole organization DEALS in super powers, this is not an original idea. I couldn’t tell if I should be more upset with Skye or the writers on that one.
As I’ve said, and will keep saying, Melinda and Coulson are my favorite characters. I did enjoy Skye’s line about them being the Mom and Dad of the gang. The scenes with them have more depth and subtlety and intrigue than most of the rest of the episodes. If the show was just Coulson and May (arguing with each other or fighting other people), I’d be perfectly content.
Again, the plot of the episode felt kind of retro (but I couldn’t really define from show or an exact era) and that wasn’t bad. But the audience surrogate character problems and some SHIELD gibberish problems with Fitz/Simmons (they’re cute and have great outfits, but I still kind of glaze over when they’re a focus) distracted me from enjoying the main plot. ALSO: wouldn’t the handler notice that Ward and Akila were VASTLY different heights? That should have been the first clue.
I liked that we were reminded of Coulson’s “difference” and that people who know him can see it. I also like that Coulson’s motivation is to give people a second chance because he was given one.
I hope both in the course of the plot/story arcs speeding up (hopefully in the next couple of episodes), and the writers being able to write based on mass audience feedback, that the problems it’s facing will be adjusted soon. I think people are giving up on it, but I don’t want to because it has so much potential. It’s thankfully been picked up for the full season and I live with the hope that when it’s in season 3 and I am loving it, I can go back to season 1 and be like “oh look at the babies!” like I do with so many other shows. I’m not giving up!
Related links:
SHIELD Producer Explains Why Show Kinda Had a Slow Start – I would argue it’s still having a slow start, but I always remember that Joss did this with Dollhouse and then it massively picked up, so… again. I maintain hope.
‘Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ Recap: Coulson Tracks A Former Agent Gone Rogue In ‘Eye Spy’