Watch 'Record/Play' Now – Time-Bending Contender For Best Live-Action Short Film Oscar | Shadow and Act

Watch ‘Record/Play’ Now – Time-Bending Contender For Best Live-Action Short Film Oscar | Shadow and Act.
It’s very Afrofuturistic . I would love to think of and write something like this. I really have to start thinking shorter–not everything has to be full feature length (not that I’ve tried, but brief ideas come into my head and they never seem complex enough. Just stuff complex into a smaller package! One way to get started at least.) I love time travel and I think it had a pretty cool twist, especially in regards to him getting hurt in the past and it translating to the present day. I think I wish there’d been a little more with regards to his getting hurt–does it heal once he removes the tape pieces? I suppose that’s the case and it isnt strictly necessary (it would definitely bog down the storytelling), but just a brief thought I had.
It’s very brief, little words, but lots of thought, action, and even emotion. I really enjoyed this! I hope it gets the Oscar nomination. The article says it could even be adapted to feature length. This short piece seems about perfect, but a feature would be interesting, and I would need them to keep the PoCs in order for me to care (it’s a shame that it isn’t obvious that they would do so).