Castle 6.12 Review: "Deep Cover"

Last week’s Castle 6.12 Review: “Deep Cover”, ahead of this week’s review.

I liked seeing this side of Castle, the vulnerable kid who didn’t have a dad and aches for his approval. We got to see more Martha than we have in a while, and Kate’s excitement for the wedding is fun to see (though I bet we get some cold feet moments in the future). A September wedding means a season 7 premiere wedding! I wonder what this means for the season finale?

Beckett has been very, very into this wedding (though we haven’t seen the real detail oriented stuff hit her yet, since they didn’t have a date), so I’m really interested in seeing which parts of wedding planning phase her? Is Castle an expert by now? Or does he want nothing to do with it (since it won’t be in space). And what is the finale lead up? Will we get a cliffhanger? Will it be dangerous or emotional? I’m sure the writer’s are still asking themselves some parts of these questions, but I want to know now!