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  1. openthewalls
    03/31/2014 @ 12:23 PM

    Hi ConStar! Love the site! 🙂


    • ConStar24
      03/31/2014 @ 12:27 PM

      Hey Courtney!I’ve followed your blog now too! Looks great!


  2. Shayla
    06/15/2014 @ 1:10 AM

    Hello! My name is Shayla & you just favorites a tweet I had & I checked out your profile & it seems like we have a lot in common. I’m a huge TV watcher and have a ton to say. I have a blog of my own or, you can insert any TV network in the BlogSpot address, I wanted to separate my blogs in a different fashion than wordpress or other hosting sites offered so I just started my own webpage. I blog about all TV but I like to latch onto a show or write an article about intelligent aspects of shows that can be related to actual life. I’m big on making predictions as so many viewers don’t pay attention to the foreshadowing. I followed you on twitter and would love a follow back, I think we might have a lot to talk about! 😀


    • ConStar24
      06/16/2014 @ 10:06 AM

      Thanks for reading and for the follow Shayla! Hope to converse about tv with you! #tvjunkiesunite =D


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