'Community' to Return for Season 6 on Yahoo Screen – TheWrap

‘Community’ to Return for Season 6 on Yahoo Screen – TheWrap
It’s amazing how a joke from season 2 has determined the fate of Community. If Abed hadn’t spoken those fateful words, would we be here now? Or would there be another rallying cry that would get us to… Yahoo.
I tweeted yesterday that there seems to be some sort of TV checks and balances going on. Hieroglyph (a show I was looking forward to checking out) got cancelled months ahead of it’s “greenlit to series” debut, but Community is back!
#SixSeasonsandaMovie rolls ahead as Yahoo picks up the series. But, Yahoo though?! Who watches Yahoo TV? Obviously Yahoo jumped on the deal when Hulu didn’t, so that Community fans would actually get an audience to Yahoo, because, again… who watches Yahoo TV?! Yahoo definitely wins in this case, with ample opportunity presenting itself to get viewers to watch their streaming offerings, on whatever platform or device or website they apparently run original content on. And Dan Harmon wins, because he’ll definitely be able to do more and push the boundaries more (which’ll be farther out than they were at NBC) and really stretch his storytelling.
So we lose one show on a major network, but gain a beloved show on a fledgling online one… some sort of checks and balances.
Once I finish season 5 (those last two episodes are sitting in my DVR. I wanted to watch the meta one about story structure–the specific one, since they’re all kind of about that haha–but haven’t had time yet), perhaps I’ll find season 6. Somewhere on the internet.
Yahoo is against the Darkest Timeline.