NOC Recaps Arrow 3.06: Vigilante Soup

Check out my Arrow recap over on the Nerds of Color. I talk about each of last night’s vigilantes as well as the problematic and stereotypical representation of Latinos in Starling City. Ted’s cool, but maybe next time we see people from his community they aren’t talking in all “esses?”

I want to go about recap this a little differently this week. We encountered a lot of vigilantes in tonight’s episode, so I’ll talk about them and their story this episode one by one.But before I get there, BOXING GLOVE ARROW! Wow, they pulled it off! I feel like Ted Grant’s character was added into the show just to justify Oliver being around boxing gloves… I think they figured out how to incorporate that move in a great way that the fans really, really enjoyed and didn’t look overly stupid or forced. Kudos to the writers and production staff for that one!

Now, we can’t go through this episode without talking about the… erm, racial aspects of the episode.

Let’s talk more about this and my vigilante break down over on NOC Recaps Arrow: Vigilante Soup | thenerdsofcolor.