I love the morning in bed scene. Last episode Castle said it was crowded. Boy did he mean it. But there were so many little gems in the scene.
“Does that make me your sugar daddy?”
UGHHH PI! but “Mrs. C-to-be” !! #squee! I love how Beckett doesn’t like Martha’s coffee at all. Great background detail.
“Well, if there’s one thing you excel at Castle, it’s talking.”
I’ve wanted a good cheeseburger all week and this just cements that desire.
“I’m kind of looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you so don’t do anything stupid okay?”
Also the way she helps him put on his vest and then smooths it over and then straightens his collar. I love their love.
“What? What do you want, Emma?”
“You! I just want you!”
Anyone else notice the “Always” reference?
I loved the detail of Beckett playing with her ring when watching Castle go inside. I didn’t notice it until tumblr pointed it out, but of course she gets to wear it when not working. I wonder if it’ll be a fun detail to spot now that she’s back: when she’s in civilian clothes/without (w/her style sometimes it’s hard to tell) and whether or not there will be moments when we’ll notice her take it off before doing something important/police related or back on after a long day at work.
Castle & Beckett kind of have matching bullet marks now. I know there’s been no reference to Beckett’s (I know getting w/Castle basically erased her scar/PTSD) but it’s still a subtle parallel. They could have made more of the moment, but I think they’re choosing to let fans insert the PTSD background. I think I’m okay with it, because I do understand that they can’t drag that on forever. Subtle references allow the viewers to feel intelligent; not banging it on our heads (“remember when Beckett got shot?!? Remember, remember?!” — that would get old probably).
“You are aware that you don’t work here.”
Loved those scenes. She can’t help herself and they can’t help but listen. I wonder if this means Sully is getting the shaft or if we’re getting a couple more episodes with him in it. They’ve gotta resolve the desk issue.
I love Gates sticking up for the boys, Beckett offering the back her up and Castle’s offer to– not– totally let them handle it. I bet Beckett and Gates will get more scenes together.
Why didn’t the guys see the footage of the Lawyer at the victims place before? Is that a plot hole? Or did they just not get to it yet?
Im glad Emma’s dad wasn’t the killer. Girl’s been through enough. though that actress must have cried in every one of her scenes. That’s a lot of emotion…
This post on tumblr refers to the fact that so far the cases have had to do with couples getting engaged/married. Doesn’t seem like the next one is about that, but we won’t know until next week. Interesting theme; I wonder if it’s building to anything or just a fun detail.
Beckett is back! But I wonder what the emotional arc for the next few episode might be. She’s kind of going backwards here and Sully is around and the boys have been doing things all summer without her. Will she have a hard time inserting herself back into precinct life? She had an easy time of it when she wasn’t officially back, but in the every day routine of things, will things get a bit awkward in the next episode? There will now be 5 people to the 12th Precinct Dream Team…
Also I’m really glad they’re letting us have our kisses. Before they were preventing them from ever kissing– and I get it; it was a move to maintain some of the tension between them. But I prefer when we get to see their kisses and I know other fans do too.
Can’t wait for next week! Joshua Gomez!