Sleepy Hollow Finale Thoughts
That’s how you do a season finale!
The first part had great humor then ramped up the creepy factor with poor Andy Brooks and the second ended on that MAJOR surprise factor that had every fan wondering how they didn’t guess it before!
One thing I love about this show is the three black girls looking out for each other. So rare for shows to show that dynamic, especially with women of color. I’ve seen some comparisons to Supernatural (which I don’t watch), and I definitely think it would be cool to see the Mills sisters interact more like Dean and Sam over on Supernatural. A Mills sister roadtrip? Macey hanging out in the back? Basically, Sleepy Hollow is the TV show equivalent of Disney’s Frozen, where sisterly love is made a priority. Jenny getting herself arrested so that she was forced away from her sister due to her murderous thoughts really made Abbie rethink everything she’d thought about her all those years. It certainly helps that Jenny is basically Lara Croft Tomb Raider. Except Tomb Raider isn’t lying on the side of the road at the end!
I shouldn’t have trusted Henry, but I still don’t think I trust Katrina. Henry was a surprised (mostly because he was featured so prominently in the Jeremy Crane backstory episode) but really I should have known because in any mystery/suspense show, the casting choice you recognize (the most famous of the guest stars) usually committed the crime! So really we should have all known. But I don’t trust Katrina, quite, either. It was too easy for her to let Abbie stay in purgatory knowing Moloch’s plan was to get her there all along. But perhaps that’s just the Ichabod/Abbie shipper in me.
Speaking of, I love the way they are adapting to each other’s quirks. Instead of it just being Ichabod using 21st Century lingo, Abbie signs off her voicemails “respectfully yours.” There’s an equality there that’s really great to see, considering it could be Ichabod doing al of the adapting. Comparatively, Ichabod and Katrina are now on uneven footing, since he’s using language she doesn’t understand (“…cool”). And who knows how she was feeling about that Crane and Abbie head-cradling hug, it was very tender. And fist bumps are definitely the truest test of friendship.
But now, no one can return to get Abbie out of Purgatory! Jenny is laid out on the side of the road, Ichabod is buried alive, and Katrina has been absconded by Headless! Even poor Captain Irving is locked away, trying to protect his family. I can’t wait until the Irvings are even more involved in the evil fighting team. I bet Macey and her science skills can help somehow!
And finally, I still say that Jasmine Guy needs to play a Mills relative, those eyebrows are too similar and I get constant views on my Lyndie/Jasmine post whenever Jenny is on screen. It needs to happen!
Zombie George Washington!
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Apparently, John Noble was told about Jeremy before he began, so this was the plan all along!
Yeah, I honestly don’t know how you’re going to get yourself out of this. How far are you into planning a way out of this huge pickle?
We definitely have ideas. Part of the fun of this show is taking these really big swings. So we’ll have to take some more to get them out.
They’re so cheeky, but I love how they have a plan. If only all shows 1. had a plan, 2. were allowed by the network to stick with it.