What I Watched Today – HIMYM

*One post was super long so I’ve split them up by show. Shorter posts but more of them is probably better than one long one.
How I Met Your Mother – Aww. The last season. This show often slows down across a season when watching it live, but as I’ve discovered before, it can hold up with a Netflix binge-watch. Here’s hoping the last season holds up better. That’s hard to imagine as most of the 24 episodes will be during a 55 hour weekend. Really having a hard time seeing how this will work, but I’m gonna keep it up until the end. I’ve lasted this long, with a few watching hiatuses before binge catching up; can’t quit now!
Really glad the Mother’s first line made me laugh. Looking good for her. Since I’ve hated all of Ted’s girlfriends. All of them. (Except Robin, but I definitely ship Barney/Robin so she doesn’t count.) She’s so much like Ted, it’s almost scary. I bet they won’t meet until like November sweeps at the rate this is going. But already, my fears of Mother casting have been assuaged (which they were even as of that summer photoshoot with Ted and The Mother kissing. Really great chemistry between them there.)

“You’re a 21st Century toilet!” “!!!!!”
Lady Tedwina Slowsby.
Of course Barney is on Joffrey’s side. #gameofthrones
Creepy telepathic murder thoughts.
You have certainly peaked my incest–interest.
“I’ve got you. I don’t have to wait for it anymore.” d’awwww. As well as the photo moment.
And one grizzly murder.
As usual, the second episode is slower and not as funny.

I enjoyed watching Ted and The Mother in that last scene! Good job!