What I Watched Today – Sleepy Hollow

Hmm I hope that introduction narration/recap thing isn’t always like that. Maybe it’ll work with some retooling, but it was awkward and kind of jumpy…? Yeah, the tape may say he did that himself, but uhm is no one concerned that IT ISN’T POSSIBLE!?
In this episode, they “revealed” that Icabod has an eidetic memory. Ugh. I’m liking this show, but either the writers or the network forced that line in the excuse away things they want Icabod to automatically know or remember (but watch him “forget” something later that would have been useful. Watch them forget they gave him this character trait. OR overstate it). I would have preferred if they showed us his eidetic memory for several episodes before stating it as a fact; here it was forced exposition. Or just have him have an eidetic memory and not mention it. Viewers aren’t as dumb as writers/networks think they are. (Well, maybe they are. But I wish they weren’t. Raise the LCD, don’t dumb down towards it. Hopefully now that they see this show has a pretty big and wide, varied audience, they can realize that we are enjoying it without thinking we won’t get everything.