Castle 6.23 Review: "For Better or Worse"

Castle 6.23 Review:

After this season of television, I can never trust a wedding ever again! I hereby declare this the… Orange Wedding? We’re quickly running out of rainbow…
[…] Castle 6.23 Review: “For Better or Worse”
They took a big risk solving the Johanna Beckett case this season (rightfully refusing to drag it out any longer), but had to ensure viewers that there would be mysteries to solve and danger to be had. They needed to renew the tension that they released by solving that series ending mystery—most shows would wait until the final episodes to solve the murder, I certainly thought Castle would be that way. So with that case resolved, presumably once and for all, they couldn’t have two series long story lines end happily in the same season. I certainly believe they won’t make us wait until the potential end of the series to get them married, but resolving them in the same two final episodes is a bit much. They needed a way to push the wedding and the only way to stop Castle from attending that wedding is to physically prevent him from doing so.  No half-measures would work.

via Castle 6.23 Review: “For Better or Worse”
My review of the Castle finale. I enjoyed the episode, was brought along for the laughs, the tears, and the shocker at the end that literally had me yelling “NO NO NO DON’T DO THIS TO ME NOOOO.” The experience of watching this episode is why I love television; I love when it makes me react with multiple emotions and I am shocked (avoiding spoilers really helps with that…not always possible, but I sometimes I try). A real rollercoaster ride that I didn’t expect. I can’t wait for this to be resolved in the season 7 premiere, then a season of married crime fighting! It’ll be great!
(the scene above made me cry. obviously.)
Check out my review above!

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